Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thank You Volunteers!

Local contractor Bob Brueck hangs letters on the old Capital Theatre marquee -- The sign says it all!!

Once againg the people of Burlington and surrounding communities stepped up and helped save downtown businesses.


Illinois Flood Pictures

Flood Waters surround farm near the Bluffdale (Illinois) area -- three miles from the Mississippi River.
The Oquawka Diner, Oquawaka, Illinois -- North of Burlington, prepares for rising waters.

Warning Signs state the Obvious near the Bluffdale area in Illinois.

Gulf Port Under Water

Looking from the top of a Burlington Building into Gulfport, Illinois. HWY 34 heading East into Illinois is under. Photos taken Wednesday, June 18, 2008. Gulfport and surrounding areas including Lake Stevenson is under water -- the Homes surrounding the Lake are under 10 feet of water with only the roof lines showing.

The Crest

Starting June 16th the River was climbing to an all time "crest" of over 25'-3" set in 1993
The Mississippi started to run up Valley Street to the corner of Valley and Main
Early morning of Tuesday, June 18, 2008 the water crested briefly
before the Gulfport, Illinois levey broke south of Burlington, Near the Carthage Lake Club
Gulfports Levey breach saved downtown Burlington from record water levels and a lot of damage -- If the Levey would not have broken -- Frank Millard & Company would have had river water and the raw sewage it contained on our first floor and the battle would have been lost!

Gulfport's tragedy saved Burlington ..... How ironic is that?

Burlington Before the Crest

The Great River Bridge -- Flood waters are 45' below the bridge deck, this is normally 60'-0" or more below. Picture taken before the levey at Gulfport was lost and traffic was stopped.

Currently the bridge is closed as HWY 34 in Illinois is under water. The highway will be closed for 1 - 2 months

Picture taken of Frank Millard & Company from the 8th floor of the F&M Bank Building. The water is rising! Picture is taken Monday 6-16 as the water is rising to an all time record.

The River has surrounded the old steam locomotive at Main St and Division St.

During the crest the River moved up Divsion St and started to back up third street -- 3 blocks from the River -- 24 hour a day pumping is required to help keep basement flooding at a managable level. Picture is looking North on 3rd Street from one block north of Division

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Aerial Pictures Downtown Burlington 6-15-08

Aerial Photographs taken Sunday, June 15, 2008 of downtown Burlington area

Frank Millard & Company, Inc. is surrounded by the river
Aearial shot looking north from Burlington Memorial Auditorium to the Highway 34 Interchange

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Burlington 2008 Flood Pictures

Looking East From Third Street to the River, June 15, 2008
Looking north on Front Street from the Post Office to the Great River Bridge, June 15, 2008
The river is 45'-0" below the bridge deck -- This is normally over 60'-0", June 15, 2008
The Port of Burlington Building, (3) nights ago KC and The Sunshine Band was performing here!--June 15, 2008