Saturday, June 21, 2008

Burlington Before the Crest

The Great River Bridge -- Flood waters are 45' below the bridge deck, this is normally 60'-0" or more below. Picture taken before the levey at Gulfport was lost and traffic was stopped.

Currently the bridge is closed as HWY 34 in Illinois is under water. The highway will be closed for 1 - 2 months

Picture taken of Frank Millard & Company from the 8th floor of the F&M Bank Building. The water is rising! Picture is taken Monday 6-16 as the water is rising to an all time record.

The River has surrounded the old steam locomotive at Main St and Division St.

During the crest the River moved up Divsion St and started to back up third street -- 3 blocks from the River -- 24 hour a day pumping is required to help keep basement flooding at a managable level. Picture is looking North on 3rd Street from one block north of Division

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